MozFest 2014
Credit: Image by Doug Belshaw on Flickr. Some rights reserved.
If you didn't make it to MozFest this year, NPR's Melody Kramer has got you covered.

Kramer, digital strategist at the outlet, put together this post featuring some of her highlights from the event on the NPR Social Media Desk blog.

It includes links to projects that the BBC and the New York Times are currently working on around archiving and crowdsourcing, as well as tips for useful journalism tools.

One interesting tool is HearUsHere, an audio platform which uses GPS coordinates to place audio at specific locations

Kramer also flags up a few projects inspired by MozFest that she might be interested in making with a little dev help, such as "several bot ideas that would be useful for a newsroom".

The Mozilla Festival took place in London from October 24 to 26.

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