
How to succeed in journalism

15 free sources of data on the media industry

Understand the latest trends facing the news sector, social media and more - perfect for journalists, speakers and students alike

Posted by on 26/02/24

How to build a successful working relationship with editors

Landing a commission takes more than just pitching good ideas

Posted by on 17/01/24

Journalism and media events in 2024

Conferences and study weeks are fantastic opportunities to get the latest updates on the industry and network with your peers

Posted by on 08/01/24

Emotions in journalism: how to manage the good, bad and ugly

Burying our feelings is no good. Learn to deal with the inevitable ups and downs of the profession

Posted by on 04/01/24

How can journalists learn SEO and why do they need to?

Search engine optimisation is important to get your content out there and attract more readers

Posted by on 16/05/23

22 English-language news outlets in Europe to follow

Burst your national news bubble and seek out international news reported by people with local expertise, contacts and understanding

Posted by on 01/08/22

Gen Z craves quality news (but most media is boring)

As 16-24s seldom follow legacy media brands, here is how one show is reinventing the news for the social media generation

Posted by on 07/03/22

Tools and resources for journalists covering the Ukrainian war

We rounded up resources for fact-checking and trauma reporting on Russia's war in Ukraine

Posted by on 25/02/22

How to network with commissioning editors

Successful pitching makes a successful freelancer, and that means building relationships

Posted by on 18/02/22

How journalists and academics can tackle misinformation together

We need powerful partnerships between the UK's research sector and news industry to counter online falsehoods

Posted by on 14/02/22

How to report on neurodiversity

Sensitive reporting on conditions like autism, dyslexia and ADHD can promote a wider understanding and help fight stereotypes

Posted by on 08/02/22

36 blogs by journalists, for journalists

A list of blogging journalists, blogging data reporters and blogging journalism academics

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 26/01/22

How AI can support your journalism

The team behind the JournalismAI project at LSE has created a resource that covers just about every question journalists may have

Posted by on 23/11/21

How to use TikTok and Instagram to reach younger news audiences

It is perfectly possible to combine short social videos with sea shanties and solid journalism

Posted by on 22/11/21

Five steps news organisations need to take today to prepare for the uncertain future

Transforming your newsroom today will make it more resilient when the next crisis hits

Posted by on 03/11/21

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