
Tip of the day

Tip: Use Instagram to grow your newsletter

Consistency of posting is key if you want to reach a wider audience

Posted by on 05/11/21

Tip: Use crowdfunding campaigns to grow your beat

These best practices on garnering readers donations can help your newsrooms launch new editorial projects

Posted by on 04/11/21

Tip: Find local stories about climate change

There are lots of ways journalists can uncover stories close to home about the environment

Posted by on 03/11/21

Tip: Improve your protest coverage

Poorly framing these events can further marginalise underrepresented groups and causes

Posted by on 01/11/21

Tip: Use podcast swaps to cross-promote your show

A good way to stand out in a crowded market is to team up with similar-sized publishers

Posted by on 01/11/21

Tip: Online safety advice for journalists

The internet is becoming an increasingly dangerous place for journalists. Learn how to protect yourself in the virtual world

Posted by on 05/10/21

Tip: Beef up your Twitter strategy

Find out about the platform's little-known functions that can improve your day-to-day work

Posted by on 04/10/21

Tip: How to report on the Sustainable Development Goals

Uncover fresh stories about progress made in tacking global crises and start pitching to development desks and news organisations

Posted by on 01/10/21

Tip: How to get more insightful community feedback

A lot can be learned by listening to your audience. Here is how to make sure the conversation is constructive

Posted by on 30/09/21

Tip: How to find unique sources

Do not sit back and wait for the perfect interviewee to drop into your inbox. Instead, take the initiative and make the first move

Posted by on 29/09/21

Tip: How to approach potential mentors

Knowing in advance what you hope to gain from a mentorship can help you get more out of the relationship

Posted by on 28/09/21

Tip: How to report responsibly on suspects of crime

Careless journalism can inflict wounds and make people’s lives unnecessarily difficult. AP shares reasons behind its new policy around crime reporting

Posted by on 27/09/21

Tip: Lessons on going full-time as a Substack writer

Casey Newton, author of the Platformer newsletter, shares lessons learned from one year as an independent creator on the email platform

Posted by on 24/09/21

Tip: Use simple formats to cover emotionally-charged topics

FAQs and Q&As can help minimise perceptions of bias when writing about topics that generate strong opinions

Posted by on 23/09/21

Tip: Improve environmental coverage with solutions journalism

Climate coverage should be more than just dire warnings and negative stories: audiences will benefit from seeing where action is being taken

Posted by on 22/09/21

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