
Tip of the day

Tip: How to make your Twitter threads stand out

These three steps will help you beat the Twitter algorithm which only shows the first and last two tweets in a thread

Posted by on 18/03/22

Tip: Spotting mis- and disinformation from Ukraine

Learn how not to be an unwitting part of spreading propaganda and falsehoods

Posted by on 17/03/22

Tip: Three ways to appeal to Gen Z readers

People born after 1997 grew up with social media and spend money on content that engages them

Posted by on 16/03/22

Tip: Discover the perfect length for your social video

Every social platform has a different sweet spot for how long videos should be. Find out what works best on the likes of Twitter, Youtube and TikTok

Posted by on 15/03/22

Tip: Resources for reporting on Russia

Use these tools to cover Russian oligarchs, sanctions, disinformation or military movements

Posted by on 14/03/22

Tip: Use non-media experience to your advantage

Having a background in call centres, coffee shops or education can provide transferable skills to work as a journalist

Posted by on 11/03/22

Tip: Coping with bad news

The news agenda is unrelentingly negative at the moment. Take these steps to keep your mental health in check

Posted by on 08/03/22

Tip: Verifying information during war

Propaganda and the information war have always been key parts of conflicts but in our current era of regular and weaponised misinformation the truth becomes even harder to source

Posted by on 04/03/22

Tip: Reporting on Ukraine's history

An Oxford historian provides background for international journalists reporting on Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Posted by on 02/03/22

Tip: Reporting on the Ukrainian war

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the biggest European war story in 80 years. Make sure to do it justice and get the basics right

Posted by on 01/03/22

Tip of the day: How to live-blog during a crisis

Live blogs are an important tool when covering unfolding world events and editors need to prioritise what readers can get from them

Posted by on 28/02/22

Tip: Use transcription services safely

Understand the precautions you need to take before handing over your interview recording

Posted by on 24/02/22

Tip: Learn the basics of YouTube

Bookmark this playlist to catch up with all the rudiments of the video platform

Posted by on 22/02/22

Tip: Getting paid on time as a freelancer

When payments are delayed and late fees ignored, freelance journalists may struggle with cash flow. Here is how to protect yourself

Posted by on 18/02/22

Tip: How to pitch to editors

Make sure your next story idea hits the mark

Posted by on 17/02/22

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