
Leveson Inquiry

The IMPRESS Project's plans for press regulation

Crowdfunding is underway for a press regulation body aimed at supporting smaller publishers and hyperlocal sites as well as larger news outlets

Posted by Abigail Edge on 10/04/14

'Leveson proposals would safeguard investigative journalism'

Angela Phillips, Goldsmiths, University of London

Posted by Angela Phillips, Goldsmiths, University of London on 30/11/12

Leveson calls for new regulator with statutory underpin

'What is proposed here is independent regulation of the press organised by the press'

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 29/11/12

Tom Watson: 'Privacy commissioner' needed for digital age

'Information abundance' online means people will be 'wrestling with notions of privacy for years to come' and a go-to organisation should be set up

Posted by Paul McNally on 23/05/12

Lord Mandelson: Leveson inquiry must not ignore online future

Inquiry is 'looking at digital media with a print history' and needs to get 'to grips with the internet as a whole', former business secretary says

Posted by Paul McNally on 22/05/12

Adam Smith and Fréderic Michel to appear before Leveson

Former special advisor to the culture secretary and News Corporation's head of public affairs to appear before inquiry on Thursday (24 May)

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 18/05/12

Sir Harold: 'Fatal miscalculation' over Murdoch's 1981 bid

Speaking about Rupert Murdoch's bid for the Times and the Sunday Times Sir Harold Evans also described the revelation of a meeting between Margaret Thatcher and Murdoch in 1981 as 'astonishing'

Posted by Rachel McAthy on 17/05/12

Sir Harold on leaving the Times: I was 'disgusted, dismayed and demoralised'

Sir Harold Evans told the Leveson inquiry about his time as editor of the Times in 1981 to 1982, saying 'every paperclip was challenged'

Posted by Rachel McAthy on 17/05/12

Jack Straw: Self-regulation defies principles of justice

Newspapers calling for better regulation of other institutions should look at their own industry, former justice secretary tells Leveson inquiry

Posted by Paul McNally on 16/05/12

Jack Straw: 'Breach of privacy' should be in Human Rights Act

Former justice secretary and home secretary says law should be amended - with parliament taking responsibility for an area previously left to the judiciary

Posted by Paul McNally on 16/05/12

Leveson warns MPs over impact of evidence access

Lord Justice Leveson responds to parliamentary questions, telling the inquiry he hopes 'sufficient respect for my process will allow it to proceed without interruption'

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 15/05/12

Lord Wakeham: PCC should be 'stage one' in any legal action

Former PCC chairman says body could work closer with judges to seek resolutions before cases are taken to court

Posted by Paul McNally on 15/05/12

Alastair Campbell: No proof of Blair-Murdoch trade-off

Former spokesman for ex-prime minister Tony Blair also tells the Leveson inquiry about his 'neutralisation strategy' for the Sun in the 1990s to create a 'level playing field' to communicate with the public

Posted by Rachel McAthy on 14/05/12

Leveson inquiry: No action taken over IoS Andy Coulson story

Lord Justice Leveson to publish 'detailed ruling' on leaks to the media - but rules out pursuing action against Independent on Sunday

Posted by Paul McNally on 14/05/12

Lord O'Donnell opposes televised lobby briefings

Former head of the civil service says broadcasting the meetings would turn the prime minister's press secretary into a public figure

Posted by Paul McNally on 14/05/12

Labour MP: Government's BSkyB dealings might have broken law

Chris Bryant: 'News International knew information about what the secretary of state was going to say before he said it, and also before commercial operators did'

Posted by Paul McNally on 14/05/12

Rebekah Brooks: Fraser Brown story sourced via legitimate means

Former Sun editor says the paper's story on Fraser Brown's cystic fibrosis was obtained through legitimate means and she would not have run the story if the Browns objected to it

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 11/05/12

Liveblog: Rebekah Brooks's evidence at the Leveson inquiry

Live updates as Rebekah Brooks, former News International chief executive and previously editor of both the Sun and the News of the World, appears before the Leveson inquiry

Posted by Elena Cresci on 11/05/12

Brooks: 12-a-day Cameron texts claim 'preposterous'

Text messages happened 'on average once a week', Brooks tells the Leveson inquiry

Posted by Paul McNally on 11/05/12

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