

Sewell Chan, editorial page editor of LA Times, on reckoning with industry racism

Last year, the Californian news site published a series of stories from reporters and the owner acknowledging and apologising for past failings around reporting on marginalised communities

Katherine Bell, editor-in-chief of Quartz, on the power of newsletters

Newsletters convert three quarters of Quartz's members into paying subscribers. Now the publisher is upping the ante with four new member-exclusive emails

Jo Adetunji, editor of The Conversation, on recruiting diverse talent

The UK media industry is still way too posh, pale and privileged. But where is the problem in the pipeline? We discuss how BAME young journalists can shine, and how newsrooms can make the hiring process more inclusive

Posted by on 05/08/21

Amy Lewin, deputy editor of Sifted, on smart ways to diversify tech journalism

Every business is soon going to be a tech business. Covering these changes is a great career opportunity for journalists from all backgrounds, as long as we make the industry truly inclusive

Posted by on 29/07/21

Kiran Nazish, founder of CFWIJ, on violence against women journalists

Governments across the world are ramping up orchestrated attacks on women journalists to clamp down on press freedom. Who has the power to create change?

Posted by on 22/07/21

Mobile journalists Sabbir Ahmed and Jamil Khan on creating a mobile-first newsroom

The co-authors of a new MoJo manual share their top tips and takeaways for creating news content using smartphones, live video, social audio and vertical Stories

Posted by on 15/07/21

Heba Aly, CEO of The New Humanitarian, on reshaping coverage of the Global South

Parachute journalism has long been criticised for covering crises from a Western perspective. One newsroom is aiming to put communities at the heart of news coverage

Posted by on 08/07/21

Francesco Zaffarano, editor-in-chief of Will Media, on shaking up the Italian news industry

How one media start-up is looking to gain the trust of Gen Z audiences by getting out of its big-city bubble and meeting readers in their hometowns

Posted by on 01/07/21

Sofía Delgado of Newsquest, on using audio clips to boost reader engagement

A new in-house app allows local reporters to send soundbites from courts and sports matches to the newsroom to create richer content and pull the reader deeper into the story

Posted by on 18/06/21

Orson Francescone, managing director of FT Live, on the post-pandemic future of media events

The business news publisher changed its live events strategy during the pandemic and managed to reach ten times as many delegates in the process. What does this mean as physical venues start opening back up?

Posted by on 09/06/21

Osama Gaweesh, refugee journalist, on his journey into the UK media industry

As he joins via the Refugee Journalism Project, our apprentice reporter recounts his story of taking part in the 2011 Egyptian uprisings, launching a dissident TV channel in Turkey and being exiled to the UK

Posted by on 03/06/21

Newsrewired special: the CIA's secrets to creative problem solving

Just like journalists, the CIA agents deal with stress, deadlines and tasks, leaving little time for creative thinking. Get inspired by their four techniques that can increase your own solution-generating power

Posted by on 27/05/21

Newsrewired special: emerging social platforms and why journalists should care

Clubhouse, TikTok, Twitter Spaces and Instagram Reels are amongst the shiny new social platforms and features launched recently. Do they really matter to journalism or are they a passing fad?

Posted by on 21/05/21

Catherine Chapman, independent journalist, on pitfalls of cybersecurity reporting

Two thirds of tech experts consider mainstream media coverage of online safety to be inaccurate and sensationalised. But how much do the nuances really matter when trying to get audiences interested in an often dull and complex topic?

Posted by on 13/05/21

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