

A primer on AI language models, with Christopher Brennan of Overtone

What is the difference between reading and writing AI? How can these help my newsroom? And what on earth is pink slime? These questions and more answered

Investigating human trafficking, with ICIJ lead reporter Katie McQue

The Trafficking Inc investigative series conducted 300 interviews with victims of sex trafficking and forced labour. Learn about the process of finding human stories, verifying information and protecting sources

Preethi Nallu, global director, Report for the World, on strengthening media ecosystems

The media development organisation is stimulating more resilient business models and editorial processes in public interest news outlets around the world

Posted by on 18/08/23

Madeleine White, editor-in-chief of The Audiencers, on subscriber conversion strategies

Want readers to sign up? Make the ask low commitment and early in their journey. That has been a breakthrough tactic for a publication writing about reader revenue best practices

Posted by on 10/08/23

Eleanor Mills, founder of Noon, on staying true to brand values

Never lose sight of what matters most to your readers. For "the home of the Queenager", that means every new product must serve its mission to change the narrative around women in midlife

Posted by on 03/08/23

Loretta Chao of American Journalism Project, on community listening

How can you encourage readers to give you constructive feedback and say what they want from local news?

Posted by on 27/07/23

Threads for journalists, with Matt Navarra

A social media expert talks about the pros and cons of jumping on the latest social app bandwagon

Posted by on 20/07/23

Mobile journalism in Ukraine, with Robb Montgomery

Displaced communities are full of rich stories, but a sensitive approach and careful planning are needed to capture the moment well - that is where MoJo shines

Posted by on 13/07/23

Chris Stone, executive producer at the New Statesman, on monetising podcasts

The NS award-winning podcast commercial strategy pulls many levers: platform ad revenue, in-house branded content deals and fuelling a wider digital subscription

Posted by on 06/07/23

Supporting LGBTQ colleagues in the newsroom, with Finbarr Toesland

Nearly nine in 10 LGBTQ journalists receive abuse and harassment targeting their sexuality, with many not flagging up issues or leaving the industry

Posted by on 29/06/23

#MeToo inside the newsroom, with Jane Bradley and Lucy Siegle

The author of a recent NYT piece about sexual misconduct in the media industry and her core source have a message: the onus is on newsrooms - not victims - to expose sexual predators

Posted by on 22/06/23

Digital News Report 2023: unpacking news participation

There are three types of readers: those who comment, those who like and share, and those who read and move on. Dr Kirsten Eddy discusses what this means for your newsroom strategy

Posted by on 16/06/23

#MeToo in the media, with Empoword Journalism

A new investigative piece about former Guardian columnist Nick Cohen shows how claims of sexual misconduct in the newsroom can fall on deaf ears. What impact does this have on young women starting their careers?

Posted by on 08/06/23

Alison Millar, award-winning film-maker, on documentaries and press freedom in Northern Ireland

With her latest documentary, LYRA, we step into the life of esteemed investigative journalist Lyra McKee and what led to her death in 2019 in Derry

Posted by on 02/06/23

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