

Educating young people on news deserts, misinformation and social exclusion in the media industry

UK charity The Student View brings journalists into secondary schools to teach pupils about FOI requests and help them get bylines on local news websites

How can public service media remain relevant in a digital landscape?

Online competition is muscling out public broadcasters - like BBC News - that struggle to serve and represent younger and less formally educated audiences, a new RISJ report has found

“Diversity is not about political correctness. It’s about quality journalism”

From missing valuable stories to not representing audiences we serve, lack of diversity has a real impact on the quality of reporting. Bringing different voices to the newsroom is now crucial for the survival of our industry

Posted by on 29/08/19

Fluff, buzzwords and bland quotes: why your press releases get deleted

A journalist-turned-publicist gives her best tips on clear writing, developing news sense and creating successful relationships between PRs, freelance journalists and newsrooms

Posted by on 23/08/19

Bringing Stories Home: Behind the Pulitzer Center's latest local news initiative

The non-profit media organisation aims to win back audience trust in US local news, while increasing journalist's job security, by supporting public service projects

Posted by on 16/08/19

What do journalists struggle with the most on social media?

Digital media consultant Matt Navarra discusses the key social strategy challenges, including new formats, targeting audiences and verification

Posted by on 08/08/19

How can we improve the love-hate relationship between Google and news publishers?

Journalists often see the platform as the main cause of declining advertising revenue. Here is how Google is rebuilding those bridges

Posted by on 02/08/19

The old, the new and the unexpected mediums for telling human stories

Using answer phone, disposable cameras and diary entries, one unconventional storyteller offers intimate insights into people's lives

Posted by on 19/07/19

Watchdog workshops: turning your local residents into investigators

To connect with the community, US-based organisation Detour Detroit trained its readers to report on property market speculation in their neighbourhood

Posted by on 11/07/19

How to launch your podcast on a shoestring budget

Want to jump on the podcasting bandwagon but cannot afford a production crew? Here is how to get started

Posted by on 05/07/19

Engaging local community through solutions journalism and digitising newspaper archives for voice search

If you missed out on the Festival de l'info locale in Nantes this year, caught up with two experts on how news organisations can improve audience accessibility to local news

Posted by on 28/06/19

Can user rating help news brands regain audience trust?

Publishers scrutinise their website traffic and clicks but rarely look at why readers lose trust and stop engaging with their content. US startup Credder may have a solution

Posted by on 21/06/19

#GENSummit19: data-driven travel content and trends in the digital landscape

If you missed out on the Global Editors Network Summit in Athens this year, caught up with two experts from the event

Posted by on 14/06/19

Meet The Sista Collective - podcast made by and for Black British women

BBC 5 Live journalist, Jessie Aru Phillips, talks to us about The Sista Collective podcast she created for women of colour and why giving voice to under-represented women is important

Posted by on 07/06/19

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