
Phone hacking

Rebekah Brooks says charges are 'expensive sideshow'

Former News International chief executive's husband, who was also charged, says he is being used as a scapegoat

Posted by Paul McNally on 16/05/12

Rebekah Brooks charged by Crown Prosecution Service

Charges relate to alleged attempts to 'conceal material' from police investigating phone hacking, Crown Prosecution Service announces

Posted by Paul McNally on 15/05/12

Brooks: 12-a-day Cameron texts claim 'preposterous'

Text messages happened 'on average once a week', Brooks tells the Leveson inquiry

Posted by Paul McNally on 11/05/12

Neville Thurlbeck calls for 'revolutionary' press reform

In an address to the Cambridge Union last night, Thurlbeck also strongly criticised the select committee's phone-hacking report

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 10/05/12

News Corp profits surge despite $167m hacking legal bill

Publishing profits lag behind rest of group, down 19%, due to advertising revenue declines and the ongoing impact of the News of the World closure

Posted by Paul McNally on 10/05/12

Dowler voicemail conclusion 'may never be possible'

Metropolitan police say 'no further clarity is likely to be provided' on whether the girl's voicemail messages were deliberately deleted

Posted by Paul McNally on 09/05/12

Supreme Court begins hearing into Glenn Mulcaire evidence

Private investigator seeks to protect his 'legitimate legal interests' and overturn an order forcing him to reveal who told him to hack phones

Posted by Paul McNally on 09/05/12

Andy Coulson permitted to appeal legal costs ruling

Coulson's claim for any potential criminal proceeding legal costs to be covered by former News of the World publisher NGN was refused in the High Court in December last year

Posted by Rachel McAthy on 08/05/12

News Corp: Rupert Murdoch has board's 'full confidence'

News Corporation issues statement that board of directors has confidence in Murdoch's 'fitness and support for his continuing to lead News Corporation'

Posted by Rachel McAthy on 03/05/12

Louise Mensch: Phone-hacking report 'essentially worthless'

On BBC Newsnight Louise Mensch MP said the claim that Rupert Murdoch 'is not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company' was 'hijacked' into the CMS select committee's phone-hacking report

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 03/05/12

News Corporation: Phone-hacking report is 'highly partisan'

Rupert Murdoch tells staff that management and standards committee investigation into the group's other UK newspapers has finished and found no evidence of illegal activity

Posted by Paul McNally on 02/05/12

Tom Crone: Claims I misled parliament 'lack foundation'

Former legal manager for News International Tom Crone issues a statement to say he does not accept the findings of a Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee report that he misled parliament

Posted by Rachel McAthy on 01/05/12

Phone-hacking report: 'News International misled committee'

Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee report into phone hacking also accuses Tom Crone, Les Hinton and former News of the World editor Colin Myler of misleading the committee

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 01/05/12

Phone-hacking report: Myler stands by 'accurate and consistent' evidence

According to reports Les Hinton has also issued a response denying he misled parliament, after accusations were levelled at Hinton, Myler and Tom Crone by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 01/05/12

Phone-hacking report: MPs clash on Rupert Murdoch statement

Tom Watson MP defends Murdoch 'not a fit person [to run] a major international company' conclusion labelled as 'ludicrous' by Philip Davies and 'stuck in' by Louise Mensch

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 01/05/12

Hacked Off campaign responds to phone-hacking report

Campaign says reports findings 'are devastating to the reputation of the parent company and the family that runs it'

Posted by Rachel McAthy on 01/05/12

MPs set to publish phone-hacking report

Long-awaited report from the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee expected to criticise James Murdoch, but will reportedly fall short of accusing him of misleading parliament

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 01/05/12

Ex-NotW legal manager denies cover-up involvement

Tom Crone, former legal manager of the News of the World, says he was not involved in what Rupert Murdoch alleged was a phone-hacking cover up at the paper

Posted by Tom Rouse on 27/04/12

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