iPhone reporting mobile
Credit: Image by Mark Hakansson
The range of digital tools available to journalists has greatly increased their ability to report in different ways, not least the advances that have been made in mobile journalism.

Speaking at the International Newsroom Summit in Amsterdam, mobile reporting expert and L'Echo journalist Nicolas Becquet shared the tools and apps that work for him.

"Mobile journalism is mostly associated with video," he said, "and that's ok, but there are many other opportunities and ways to take advantage in the field."

Becquet detailed some of the tools and kit he uses in making journalism mobile, not just in terms of multimedia.

"With such iPad gear you can capture and edit multimedia content easily," said Becquet, "and you can capture and distribute on social media platforms."

A mobile reporter's iPad kit, see a larger image at MediaType.be

Becquet only discussed a fraction of the tools available in his talk, but stressed the need for an LED light panel to improve the quality of the video and a professional microphone like the iRig to make sure the sound is good enough.

A full discussion of the kit and different configurations for iPhone and Android devices are available on Becquet's website, but the physical tools for the job will only get a reporter so far.

As such, Becquet also shared the apps he believes are most important in helping a journalist to be truly mobile.

Nicolas Becquet's favourite apps for a mobile reporter, see a larger image at MediaType.be

"What's important with apps is to create a specific workflow," Becquet said: to capture, edit, distribute and share content.

Which mobile reporting tools have you tried so far, and what are your favourites? Let us know in the comments below, or tweet us at @journalismnews.

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