Sports presenter
Credit: Image by Sky Sports
If you're looking to report on the latest sports news and work in one of the most exciting specialisms within the journalism industry, you're not alone. 

A career within sports media is extremely competitive, and it takes more than a love for the beautiful game to bag yourself a regular reporting role.

Hard work, determination and of course a passion for the industry are key to getting yourself known as an authoritative sports reporter. 

David Garrido, Sky Sports News HQ presenter, has been working in the media industry for over 17 years, covering major sporting tournaments around the world from Formula 1 to Tour De France.

His role requires him to cover a wide range of sports, in the UK and abroad, and stay informed of industry updates and sports news 24/7 – his job certainly doesn't stop once he leaves the studio. 

A sports broadcast audience is "very unforgiving", often knowing just as much about the game as the presenters themselves, he told

"Keeping abreast of everything as you go, even when you are away from the studio, is really important so that when you're back on air, you know what's going on.

"It's not a chore as I'm really interested in sport – it's one of the greatest privileges to be able to convey information about something that you love."

Garrido, who does a range of media training outside of his job at Sky, advises aspiring reporters to carefully focus their work placements, to equip them with the skills needed for their chosen career. 

"Your dream job is attainable – if I can do mine, you can definitely do yours," said Garrido.

"It is about developing your skill set. Get work experience, but be savvy about it – identify what skills are needed to do your dream job, and try to hone those skills at every possible juncture."

Watch the full interview with David below.

Additional images by Sky Sports.

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