Times Tumblr
The Times today launched what it called "an experimental Tumblr page" outside its paywall offering Opinion content such as additional comment pieces from Times columnists.

In an announcement on its Digital Experiments Tumblr page the Times said the new page will be "kind of a mix between a blog platform and a social network", also featuring photos from the news, links and video, "anything that we over at the Opinion desk find interesting".

The title added that it hopes the new page will "give a flavour of what our columnists and leader writers do, how they think, and what influences their writing".

Although the page is outside the paywall the Times stresses that "no paid-for content appears on the Tumblr page".

"To read columns, leaders and Thunderers, look at cartoons, watch animations – and, indeed, access the rest of thetimes.co.uk – you still need a Times subscription."

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