Glenn Mulcaire

Glenn Mulcaire: 'I should not have to give potentially incriminating answers"

Credit: Steve Parsons/PA
The private investigator convicted for intercepting voicemail messages for the News of the World in 2007 has begun his legal battle in the UK's highest court to challenge a ruling that he must reveal who told him to hack phones.

Muclaire is asking five Supreme Court judges to rule on whether he must disclose who instructed him and to whom he passed the information - after losing fights in the High Court and Court of Appeal against the order, which was made after comedian Steve Coogan brought a damages claim against the investigator and News of the World publisher News Group Newspapers.

Mulcaire was jailed in 2007 for six months for hacking voicemails of royal family aides. Since then, the Metropolitan police has opened a new investigation, Operation Weeting, into phone hacking and scores of celebrities have launched civil claims for damages.

In a statement released yesterday ahead of the hearing, Mulcaire said: "This appeal is being heard because I have been advised by my legal team from the outset that I should not have to give potentially incriminating answers to questions asked of me in phone hacking cases in the High Court. I bring it for no other reason.

"The police have all the relevant documents from me since 2006 and I have already faced criminal proceedings, been convicted, and served a prison sentence.

"All the steps taken by my legal team in respect of the civil claims against me are to protect my legitimate legal interests."

Mulcaire was granted permission to appeal to the Supreme Court in February. The hearing continues today and is expected to finish taking evidence tomorrow.

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