Lincolnshire Echo offices

The Lincolnshire Echo is the latest Northcliffe Media title to move from daily to weekly publication

Northcliffe Media title the Lincolnshire Echo has announced it is the latest newspaper to move from daily to weekly publication after 118 years, in a bid to secure its future.

In an editorial on the paper's website it confirmed that the daily title will be published weekly from 20 October, with the last daily edition published Friday, 14 October.

The move could see up to five compulsory redundancies within the editorial team, with the deputy editor already having been made redundant.

Despite the changes Lincolnshire Echo's acting editor Steven Fletcher said the paper will remain "at the heart of the community".

"Reading habits have changed so much and the Echo is moving with the times.

"People still want to know what's happening in their area and our news coverage will be more comprehensive than ever."

According to Fletcher the weekly newspaper will also see the introduction of new columnists and topic areas.

The company confirmed that "a number of jobs are likely to be affected as a result of the move", but that it will try to limit the number of compulsory redundancies.

In a statement Steve Auckland, managing director of Northcliffe Media added: "This change to the Lincolnshire Echo is an investment in the future of the paper and will provide a fantastic product to the local community and real value to advertisers.

"The Lincolnshire Echo is highly valued by its readers and advertisers alike, and the new improved paper will provide the best possible product for readers in this area while offering a more valuable proposition in terms of advertising revenue."

The decision follows similar moves at other Northcliffe titles. At the beginning of this month Northcliffe Media's Exeter Express and Echo was the latest title to make the move to weekly publication, following similar changes in July at the Scunthorpe Telegraph and Herald Express in Torquay.

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