Hack day still
The Knight-Mozilla OpenNews project has announced the eight winners of its fellowship programme who will be embedded in newsrooms in a bid "to accelerate media innovation".

The eight fellows include developers, technologists, media scientists and coders, who will be embedded into and "hacking the news" at the New York Times, ProPublica, the BBC, the Guardian, Zeit Online, Spiegel Online, the Boston Globe and La Nacion in Argentina.

The fellowship programme was launched last year as a pilot, with five winners embedded into newsrooms at Al Jazeera English, the Guardian, the BBC, Zeit Online and the Boston Globe.

Dan Sinker, who leads the Knight-Mozilla OpenNews project, said in a blog post that over the past year the fellows have "built next-generation multimedia tools, real-time social sharing analysis, streaming transcription systems, and even picked up bylines along the way in some of the most influential news sites in the world".

Journalism.co.uk has also written about the work carried out by the five fellows this week, and interviews with all five can also be heard in this week's podcast.

Sinker added that the second fellowship programme was run "differently than last year".

"It was a straight call, honed to developers, technologists, data scientists, math geeks, and others. We promoted it massively over the summer, and ended up with twice as many applicants as we were expecting--more than 20x the slots we had to fill".

The 2013 fellows named this week are:

Brian Abelson - New York Times
Manuel Aristarán - La Nacion
Annabel Church - Zeit Online
Stijn Debrouwere - The Guardian
Friedrich Lindenberg - Spiegel Online
Sonya Song - Boston Globe
Mike Tigas - ProPublica
Noah Veltman - BBC

Full biographies of each fellow is available on the Knight-Mozilla OpenNews website.

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