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Credit: Image by owenwbrown on Flickr. Some rights reserved
All news sites and blogs can now embed Facebook posts, much in the same way as they can embed tweets within a story.

Earlier this month we reported how five news sites had been given the functionality. That has now been rolled out to everyone.

Facebook embed

Jason Mills, web editor of ITV News, which presents stories as a stream of news, frequently embedding Twitter posts, welcomed the new functionality.

"It is an exiting opportunity for websites to further engage with their audience and to bring in different view points into news coverage," he told Journalism.co.uk.

ITV News will not be using it immediately as changes are needed to the back-end of the CMS to allow journalists to include Facebook posts.

Huffington Post and CNN were two of the first five news outlets to get the feature. When the pilot was announced at the beginning of the month Stephen Hull, executive editor of Huffington Post UK, said including a Facebook post from a particular individual such as a star can "bring the story alive".

Lila King, senior director of social news at CNN Worldwide, said embeddable posts "make covering newsworthy conversations on Facebook significantly more seamless for our digital editors".

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