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Mail Online is on the cusp of breaking the 200 million mark for unique monthly visitors, according to the latest Audit Bureau of Circulation report.

ABC figures for December 2014 show the Daily Mail site reached 199.4 million visitors during the month – up 1.4 per cent on its previous monthly record of 196.7 million visitors in November.

Traffic to Mail Online has continuously seen a slight yet steady incline over the last year, with the site standing head and shoulders above the other UK national newspaper sites audited by ABC.

In other results, visits to the Daily Star and the Express were on the up again, by 8 per cent and 5.2 per cent respectively, after both sites suffered a drop in traffic in November.

The Daily Star received just under 9 million monthly visits in December, while the Express received 16.2 million.

The Guardian meanwhile saw traffic increase by 2.2 per cent, from 104.3 million visitors in November to 106.7 million last month.

All other news sites included in the ABC report experienced a fall in traffic from November to December, the most notable being Mirror Group Nationals, which saw monthly visitors drop 8 per cent from 71.2 million to 65.5 million.

Elsewhere, traffic to the Evening Standard also fell by 7.1 per cent

The Independent, The Telegraph, and Metro all experienced negligible decreases of 2.9 per cent, 2.6 per cent and 1.2 per cent respectively.

Additional reporting Catalina Albeanu.

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