email letter newsletter
Credit: Image by Thinkstock
As the old man of social media, email newsletters are usually a way for media organisations to engage their audiences directly.

More recently however, they have also been adopted by individuals as a way of sharing information and reading recommendations keen to write about the latest developments in their industry.

These personal newsletters are part of a trend called "one to few publishing,"  Amy Webb, chief executive officer at Webbmedia Group, wrote in the organisation's technology trends report for 2015.

“[It] is a reaction to the fact that there is too much stuff, and the algorithmic curators aren't doing a good enough job,” Webb told in December.

She highlighted “one to few publishing” as one of the trends to watch in 2015, explaining that readers are getting around this information overload by “attaching themselves to people with exceptional taste”.

But what do these newsletters bring to your inbox, and how are they packaged? Here are 10 e-newsletters that can provide a dose of media and technology news, and give an idea of how others are using this medium:


Alexis Madrigal, Silicon Valley bureau chief at Fusion, writes about emerging technologies and all things digital.

Links I would gchat you if we were friends

Caitlin Dewey from The Washington Post shares the day's online headlines as well as trends you may have missed on social media.

Drone Journalism is Illegal and Coming Soon

Matt Waite from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Drone Journalism Lab shares “links, thoughts and news about drone journalism, in the United States and abroad”.

Media Picks

Alastair Otter, editor at IOL, writes updates from the intersection of media and tech, sharing links to useful tools for journalists and articles about funding methods for journalism, among others.


This daily newsletter, curated by Jason Hirschhorn, sends a mix of media and technology articles to your inbox, and includes the occasional pop culture story as well as original reporting.


NextDraft is an email newsletter and iOS app with links to stories and commentary about the day's news, curated by Dave Pell, who also writes original pieces about technology and the web for media outlets including The Huffington Post and NPR.

Electronic Interestingness

Thoughts on technology and its impact on media outlets, among others, from Amy Webb, chief executive of Webbmedia Group.

The Ann Friedman Weekly

Ann Friedman, journalist at, shares her reading recommendations and 'GIFspiration' on Fridays.

Mobile Media Memo

This newsletter by Cory Bergman, co-founder of Breaking News, looks at the impact of mobile on the media industry, exploring topics such as what a mobile culture within an organisation looks like and where it should begin.

James Cridland's weekly radio newsletter

Cridland is a "radio futurologist" who sends out his newsletter on Mondays with links to pieces looking at where radio programming is headed, for example, or emerging broadcasting trends.
  • Do you have your own e-newsletter or subscribe to some we missed here? Share your recommendations in the comments below or tweet us @journalismnews.

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