As results from Britain's referendum on membership of the European Union started to pour in after the polls closed on 23 June, journalists stayed awake throughout the night to cover the updates, and announce the final result, which came in the early hours of the morning of 24 June – 51.9 per cent of voters chose to leave.

We previously spoke to publishers about how they were reporting on Brexit before the decisive day, which included fact-checking claims and hosting Q&As on Facebook Live, with the latter featuring prominently in the post-referendum coverage as well.

We have compiled a round-up of some of the more innovative referendum coverage below, although the list is by no means exhaustive. If there is anything you found particularly informative or that drew your attention among the plethora of news reports, let us know on Twitter @journalismnews.

BBC Newsnight's Facebook Live channel

BBC current affairs program Newsnight set up a channel on Facebook Live in the style of a 24-hour TV station the day after the referendum.

Chris Cook, Newsnight's policy editor, kicked off the broadcast at 6.30am, as people were waking up to the results. The experiment continued throughout the day with updates from the BBC's referendum studio, Westminster, and different regions across the country.

The project ran from 6.30am until 11.30pm, with the exception of a few breaks between broadcasts, but BBC Newsnight staff made sure to let the audience on Facebook know they were still taking comments in the meantime, and update viewers on when the next broadcast was scheduled to start.

WSJ's map of live results, including the state of the financial market and the pound

The Wall Street Journal created a live-updating map of the UK, first published online on 23 June at 6pm.

Depending on how a certain region voted, it would become either blue for Remain or purple for Leave. The results could be viewed by region or by individual voting areas.

Zooming in on an area of the map also showed voter turn-out and the number of votes pro and against Brexit.

After the results were formally declared, much of the press coverage following focused on the value of the pound, which hit a 31-year low.

The Wall Street Journal's map was also accompanied by two graphs, one showing the pound against the dollar at any given time compared to when the polls closed, and the other showing the Nikkei 225 Index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Politico sent live updates through Apple Wallet

Politico Europe covered the results on the night through polls and bite-sized information on Apple Wallet, sending readers push alerts about the split between votes in each region.

The EU Referendum Tracker launched a week before the referendum on 16 June, and more than 700 people signed up that day to receive notifications and breaking news on the topic.

"We wanted to understand how people interacted with push notifications and what they found useful and get some data from that, so that as we start to think about push on lots of other platforms, we're a bit better informed about how users interact and how they respond," Kate Day, Politico Europe's editorial director for growth, told last week.

Crowdsourced reactions to the results played a big role

As the referendum result and its implications started to sink in on Friday morning, some voters expressed regret over their decision to vote for Brexit, arguing they would change their view if a second referendum were to happen.

CNN iReport, the organisation's citizen journalism platform, asked people on social media if they regretted their EU referendum vote, encouraging them to share personal stories and photos on the CNN website or on WhatsApp.

The Guardian also crowdsourced reactions, but chose to focus on the 75 per cent of 18 to 24-year-old voters who chose to remain in the European Union, according to YouGov polls.

A selection of responses from voters in that age group, as well as from 16 and 17-year-olds who could not vote, was published on The Guardian website and on Tumblr.

The Guardian's EU referendum morning briefing

The Guardian began running its EU referendum briefing at the end of May, sending readers updates on the debates and polls each weekday morning, as well as the vote's impact on the country's politics and economy.

The newsletter highlights referendum coverage from other publications as well, and includes a section called Diary, briefly stating where relevant political figures are scheduled to speak or appear each day.

The briefing also features more entertaining elements, such as 'baffling claim of the day', 'the day in a tweet' and 'if today were a film'.

Elsewhere, The Times and Sunday Times made their coverage available outside the paywall for 24 hours starting at midnight on 23 June.

And because the referendum has triggered a large chain of resignations and dismissals in the Labour party, BuzzFeed has made a quiz where you can find out if you would be able to get through the day in Jeremy Corbyn's shoes.

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