Lord Leveson

Leveson inquiry: Broadcasters Jeremy Paxman and Andrew Marr will also give evidence next week

Credit: Sean Dempsey/PA
Adam Smith, the special advisor to culture secretary Jeremy Hunt who resigned after admitting his contact "went to far" with News Corporation during the BSkyB bid, will appear before the Leveson inquiry next week, as will Fréderic Michel, News Corporation's head of public affairs.

Smith stepped down on 25 April after former News International chairman James Murdoch gave evidence to the inquiry that News Corporation was "receiving feedback and information" relating to its bid for BSkyB from the culture secretary's office, including via Adam Smith.

Both Smith and Michel will appear on Thursday (24 May).

Also appearing next week are a number of MPs and peers, including Tom Watson, Tessa Jowell and Peter Mandelson, now Lord Mandelson.

Broadcasters Jeremy Paxman and Andrew Marr are also giving evidence, appearing on Wednesday, as is John Reid, now Lord Reid, and Stephen Dorrell MP.

Also appearing next week are Alan Johnson MP, former culture secretary Lord Smith and Lord Brooke.

The full witness list for next week is available at this link.

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