
Jobseekers: how to get a job in journalism

How to register as a jobseeker (and why you should)

You do not have to register as a jobseeker to search, view and even apply (in most cases) for jobs advertised on But if you do, you will gain the following benefits for free:

  • ability to save jobs you have searched for and like for later;
  • ability to upload and store your CV;
  • ability to apply online and save your applications for future re-use/modification;
  • ability to register a personal statement so that our can advertisers can find you using our CV match service.

Click here to register as jobseeker for free now.

Complete as many of the fields as you can (those marked with an asterisk are compulsory). We would also recommend that you upload a CV, and if you wish to be included in advertiser CV match services also fill out the personal statement, experience and preference for next role and skills and qualifications sections. Once you have filled out all the relevant fields, simply hit the 'register' button at the bottom of the form.

You will then be taken through to your jobseeker control panel (options explained below). From here you can search for vacancies, set up a custom jobs RSS feed, manage vacancies you have previously saved, and amend your account settings.

Search for vacancies

To search for vacancies simply click 'search vacancies' under 'activities' on the right-hand side of your control panel. You can then specify any keywords you want to search for, as well as skill categories, industry sectors, salary band and location. You can also opt to return the search results in RSS format, resulting in the creation of a customised RSS feed to be perused in the feed reader of your choice.

Apply for vacancies online

Once you have found a vacancy you are interested in, you can either apply online or save the vacancy to apply later.

To apply online, simply hit the 'apply online' button at the bottom of the advert and depending on the advertiser's preferences, you will either be redirected to their in-house application page, or to our online application form. Fill in your contact details, write a short covering letter, attach your CV then hit 'apply'.

To save a vacancy for later, hit the 'save for later' button. You will now be able to access the vacancy by clicking 'manage saved vacancies' on your jobseeker control panel. From here you can apply, view the advert, or remove it from your saved vacancies.

Manage saved applications

This allows you to view your previous saved applications. Applications for live jobs will appear under 'pending applications', while applications for expired adverts will appear under 'expired applications'.

Manage CVs

From here you can upload multiple CVs, as well as delete and/or replace existing CVs.

Edit profile

This allows you to amend your login username and password as well as to update your basic profile details (such as name and contact information).

Edit job seeker settings

This allows you to choose whether or not you wish to appear in advertiser CV match searches. You can also amend your mini-CV (this is what advertisers see if your details match their CV match search criteria), and edit your preferred job categories, skill sectors, locations and salary.

Useful reading

Job application tips

How to prepare a killer CV

How to prepare for that crucial interview

How to make the most out of work experience

Freelancers for hire

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Wiki glossaries

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Phil Butterworth 01273 384293