
Freelance journalists directory - get listed

What do you get for your money?

1 Exposure. This is a site built and maintained by journalists, for journalists. It is promoted directly to thousands of full-time journalists and commissioning editors in the UK

2 Exposure to the right people. We have built up a unique community of visitors from all sectors of journalism and publishing. Unlike other freelance directory sites, we provide unique content (dotJournalism newsletter, directory of links etc) and a database of editorial vacancies that attracts regular visits from professional journalists.

3. Outstanding value. Just £60 GBP for a one-year listing - easily covered by your first commission.

4. Exclusivity. Unlike free online directories, our database is for professionals who understand the value of advertising their services.

5. Branded email address. Includes an optional free email address - - that will forward to your existing email address. This also offers robust anti-spam protection without hiding your contact details behind forms or CAPTCHA verifications.

6. Automatically added to our 'freelance hacks for hire' list on Twitter. Advertise your services to our huge community of followers via @journalismnews. We also follow freelancers and share links on @freelance_hacks AND 'Follow Friday' our freelancers every week.

7. Get an exclusive 10% discount on all training courses.


"The layout of the freelance listing page is great, with plenty of space to highlight exactly what you can offer, searchable skills categories and specialisms, and links to your work. So far I have been really pleased with the response to my listing. It has helped me attract several new high-quality clients. Using the listing is a must for any freelancer!" Jonathan Dyson

"Some of the best publications that I currently write for found me through the Freelance Listing on They came from London, Uganda, Qatar, and the UAE. I was truly impressed." Heba Hashem

"I have to say it's paid for itself about 40 times over these past 12 months!" Guy Richards

"The commissions and leads I have received as a result of being listed on have exceeded my expectations, both in number and quality. I will certainly continue to advertise my services on the site and would highly recommend it to other freelance journalists." Sarah Walker

"I have been amazed at the response I have had from my ad on I have had numerous enquiries and undertaken work for business and consumer magazines plus a high profile website. It's definitely the best 50 quid I've spent so far in my freelance career!" Tracy West

"A listing here brings you work. It's that simple, but it is a service of inestimable value." Andrew Rosenbaum

"I received several interesting responses in a very short time. The fee has been money well spent." Alison Baycock

"For a freelance, the more networks and publicity channels the merrier, so I've found it useful to be listed as on the website. It has generated a number of enquiries." James Pringle

Freelancers for hire

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Tips for freelance journalists

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Phil Butterworth 01273 384293