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How much do freelance journalists really earn?


Experience is more important than qualifications when it comes to freelance pay, according to the results of a survey

Inside The Quint: The Indian media start-up getting news to younger audiences on mobile


Four in five people who come to The Quint from social media come from Facebook, where the title shares thousands of posts a month

How ABC News is creating distinctive broadcasts for Facebook Live

In the second instalment of our Facebook Live series, we speak to ABC News about experimenting with the platform to cover the Republican and Democratic conventions in the United States

Advice on Facebook Messenger bots from The Wall Street Journal

Two of the people behind the WSJ Messenger bot, which launched earlier this year, share how other outlets can create bots to communicate with audiences 'in an authentic way'

Collaboration in the newsroom is key to The Economist's success on social media

One year since it built an editorial social media team, The Economist learned a key lesson: collaboration at the point of creation drives success

Today’s top tip for journalists

Tip: Bookmark this list of resources to help you cover the US Election


Is your knowledge of US politics up-to-date ahead of the presidential election?

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